Monday, February 01, 2010

Africa Day 6

February 1, 2010
Today we are going out to the bush, to Masai country. Mike and Marigold have purchased land there to build a mission compound. They have a tabernacle there already but the sleeping quarters are still tents. They hope to have permanent tents soon but not at this time. I am anxious to see this. They say we will see lots of animals out there. Probably more than during the safari on the game reserve. And the ones at the camp are wild where as the ones in the game reserve are more tame. This is going to be fun.
We ate lunch at a restaurant along the way. We had samosas. They were a little spicy for my taste. The French fires were good and so was the coleslaw. I ate a lot of that since no one else was eating it. Then later I was told I shouldn’t have eaten it. I pray I don’t get sick. It was very good.
We arrived at camp sometime the middle of the afternoon. We got our beds set up in the tents and our suitcases arranged. We had several air mattresses in the tent when we got here. I didn’t use mine at all. CeCe and I each had 2, so we stacked them. Cindy had one that was already double.
Supper didn’t happen until after 8 pm. We has spaghetti, fruit salad and a local bread. It was very good. We had popcorn for dessert. We had a nice campfire that stayed going all night.
CeCe and I switched roommates. Michelle went to be with Nancy and Cindy came to stay with us. We miss Michelle. We had bonded with her.
The choo is the hard thing to get used to. It is the outhouse. It is just a hole in the ground and you have to squat over it to go to the bathroom. It is a cement floor and they had a mettle rack that has 3 legs that can be put over the hole to use to hold yourself up with. That is a real blessing. My knees and legs just don’t do a good job of holding me up. It is very difficult to aim correctly so much of the urine goes on the cement floor. And BM….?


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