Sunday, January 31, 2010

Africa Day 5

January 31, 2010
Today is Sunday. We all divided up to go to the different churches in Nairobi. Each of the pastors on our team preached at a church. I went with Mike and Marigold Cheshier to Nairobi Christian Center, the largest church in Nairobi. It is pastured by the general superintendent of the Kenya Assemblies of God. We had 2 services, one in English and one in Swahili.
Mike spoke on John 1:29 The master theme of the Bible, the scarlet thread that winds its way through the Scriptures. “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the4 world.” It begins with Adam and Eve, when God clothed them in animal skin after the fall. It doesn’t say what animal it is but because a lamb is used throughout the Bible for sacrifices, we assume it was a lamb. Then Able offered up a good sacrifice of a lamb for himself (one person). Moses taught the people to offer a lamb for the Passover, one lamb for a family. At the giving of the 10 commandments, a lamb was offered for the nation. Then Jesus became the sacrificial lamb for the world.
He used the courtship of marriage here in Kenya. The groom has to pay a bride price. Jesus did that for his bride. Then the bride goes to the grooms house for a meal. He passes a cup across the table to her and if she accepts it , she is saying she accepts his proposal of marriage. This is the sam thing we are doing when we take communing and take the cup of his blood. We are saying, I accept your proposal of marriage.
We went to the ghetto again tonight for the last time. There were many people there. It is estimated over a thousand. When we arrived the platform was already set up and a group from the local church was singing. The people in the congregation were dancing and singing to the music. After the message, Mike asked people to raise their hands if they wanted to accept Christ. There was a lady sitting beside me who raised her hand. When he asked them to come forward for prayer, she hesitated, so I told her I would go up with her. I took her hand and led her up to the platform. She stayed there with her hand raised and repeated the prayer Mike told them to pray. Then they had all the people move down the street a little bit where someone could talk to them in more detail.
The new church that was started there reported over 100 children and 7 adults on the first Sunday service this morning. Praise the Lord!!!
It was a hard thing to leave tonight when it was time. The children were clinging to us and asking if we were coming back. Of course, we had to tell them no. They all wanted to be touched. I would lay my hand on their heads and say ‘God bless you.’ Then others who heard came looking to me for that blessing as well. It seemed it was never ending. The children who were carrying a baby wanted us to touch the baby as well. They didn’t want them left out.


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