Saturday, January 30, 2010

Africa Day 4

January 30, 2010
Thank you, Lord, for a wonderful night’s sleep. I only woke up once in the night and didn’t get out of bed. Slept until 7:30 am – 8 ½ hours of sleep. The most I’ve slept in one night in a long time.
We had a wonderful time of devotions and prayer this morning. Mike used Acts 17:16-34 and I Cor 2:1-5 to talk to us about not coming to people with our limitations but with the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit.
“From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth, and He determined the times set for them and the exact places they should live.” This should give us peace in these times of uncertainty in the world.
“I came to you in weakness, and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power.”
We prayed especially for Mikey in the Congo and his ministry, for Jimmy’s back (facing surgery when he returns), Judy’s shortness of breath episodes, Nancy’s cysts in her breasts, and Rick’s healing. It was a wonderful time of waiting on the Lord. We didn’t want to leave the room the presence of the Lord was so strong.
I am believing that Rick is going to come out of the darkness that he is in and be transformed into a soldier of God. It was 3:30 am at home when we were praying. Thank you Jesus!!!!!
We were again at the ghetto today for the crusade – Koro Kocho. We had singing by the nationals, and by Marigold’s group. There were quite a few testimonies and Mike preached. There were more that came to be saved this time.
The children are so in need of attention. When you pay attention to one child, all the others come to you. If you touch one the others want to be touched. While praying during the alter call, I was praying with one child and all the others started looking at me. I started praying for each one, laying my had on their head. At the end of the prayer time, one child stood right up next to me. I put my hand on her chest while she leaned on my leg. She just stayed there. Then she worked to get her hands under my hand so that I was holding both her hands with my one hand. Finally I took each of her hands in each of mine and was swaying with the music. She started swaying with me. Her name is Margaret. She is so sweet. While I had my hand on her chest, I could feel her breathing. She had a lot of congestion in her chest. Her nose was running. I prayed for her healing. I hope I see her tomorrow.
I am going with Mike and Marigold to church tomorrow. They are preaching and singing at a very big church here. I am looking forward to being in a native Kenyan church.


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