Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Second seizure in 4 days

I got a call from Lynn Byrd at the center today about 1:45 saying Rick had a seizure about 1:30. He fell hard and hit his head on something. He has an abraision and and knot on the right side of his head just above his ear. She said he seized for about 4 minutes, this including the jerking, heavy breathing and then some lighter breathing but his eyes weren’t functioning properly. They were able to get him in a recliner and he was sleeping.
At first I thought I would leave him there to sleep it off, but decided that it would be better for me to take my lunch break to go get him. Rather that have to leave later on because they weren’t able to manage him.
He walked out to the car without difficulty and got in well. He slept all the way home. Got out of the car easily. Was rather sluggish about walking up the stairs but did it. I took him to the bathroom and then put him to bed. He is sleeping there now.
I called the neurology department at NCBH twice since this seizure. Valerie has been in a meeting all afternoon. Finally Sandy, another nurse there, called me saying she spoke with Dr Boggs explaining the situation. Dr Boggs says to stop the Topamax altogether and start Depakote 500 mg hs. I asked about lamictal, which is what Dr Bell had said was a good drug. She said she would relay this question to Valerie so she could talk with Dr Boggs about it. Sandy will call Depakote to Gateway pharmacy. I will pick it up tonight.


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