Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Africa Day 8

February 3, 2010
The Maasai people are so pretty. The women and the men. They are so anxious to be your friend, They wave to you as you drive by. The men dress in really neat red outfits. The shuka is a cloth that they use as a cape for warmth and is part of their costume. Red is their defining color. I love their costumes.
The men have more than one wife. The each wife builds mud hut that are situated close together. They have a barrier around the huts made out of the horrible thorn branches that are prevalent here. These clusters are called Bomas.
The weather has been hot to us, but the Maasai think it is cold. They have kept their shukas on most of the time.
We went to 2 more schools again today. I got some videos of the children singing their welcome song. Each child raises their hand at the invitation and they all repeat the sinner’s prayer. Then we give them New Testaments so they can read them and grow.
We took a shortcut home after our last school today. We drove thru the fields. We went by many bomas We saw herds of cows that are considered a man’s wealth, and goats. It was fun going right by their homes.
Marigold took 3 of us for a ride to see the animals. We came upon a herd of Zebra. Something had scared them and they were running. I got a movie of them running, especially a baby who was frolicking around. It was really neat. We also saw a herd of wildebeest and some gazelles. It was hard to get a picture of the gazelles since they are so little.
We sat around the campfire and roasted marshmellows tonight. We gave some to the Maasai. One guy spit it out immediately. Others liked it.


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