Friday, February 05, 2010

Africa Day 10

February 5, 2010
It rained off and on all night last night. It was a nice gentle rain. It was very cool. I was able to stay in my sleeping bag most all night. We thought it was going to be so hot here but the weather has been very comfortable. In the middle of the afternoon it can get pretty hot if you are in the sun. But if you are in the shade the breeze makes it pretty comfortable.
We went to the graduation of the pastor’s conference this morning. How much fun it was to see and hear them sing and worship God in their native style. It is amazing that God is here with them this way. We have a great big wonderful God!!! Marigold sang a song in Swahili and you could see how it touched them. Some of these men walked 2 days to get to this conference. The pastors on our team taught them for 3 days. Roger Loomis, Harry Yates and Stan Rutkowski. We gave them ties. They got to come up and pick out 2-3 ties each. There were about 60 men there and one lady pastor. We were able to give her a necklace.
After lunch we went to a local church. Bishop Moses’ church. We got there and there were several women and men there. But after we got in the tiny building filled up with women and children. The ladies sang for us and so did the teen girls. They have a chant type of music where one person sings a line and then the others repeat it. And do they dance! They do a line dance and go around the church. It was good to see the ladies. We have seen the men in their costumes. This time we saw the ladies costumes. They are so colorful. Mostly reds.
I was ready to go to bed shortly after supper, but it was actually about 9:30 before I went to my tent. I’m still not ready to eat heavy food. I ate the fried potatoes, cabbage and fruit. I drank a soda, but wished I hadn't.


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