Monday, January 09, 2006

Tamara: Babysitting my Father

Mom's out of town, so Cade, Mara, and I are moving in with Dad for the next two nights. Then, Cheryl does the following two nights. I should be able to get on the Net from their house, but it's really a matter of finding the time and keeping Dad busy.

I'm not really worried about anything happening. I mean, he's on anti-convulsant meds, now, and he has an anti-anxiety prescription, too. I'm sure he'll need that, as his anxiety since the seizure has only increased, and is especially pronounced when not with Mom. He's like a baby who doesn't realize he has his own identity--it's all wrapped up in Mom.

My aunt called and talked with me for about an hour last night. She wanted to thank me for taking care of Mom while she's taking care of Dad. She asked if Dad gets angry or violent, which he hasn't, really. The reason why that scares me is that you just can't ever tell with Alzheimer's. He can be calm and placid one minute, but if he gets scared and is defending himself, he could indeed be violent. But since the seizure, he's been less angry and has had fewer outbursts than before. He's just become rather pathetic, forlorn, lost, and anxious. Well, we'll all be there together. Mom suggested maybe Mara would want to sleep in the big bed with Dad, but Cade and I have reservations about that. If Mom were there, okay, but I can't risk whatever reaction it might trigger if Dad wakes up with her in the bed and no Mom to reassure him and he is disassociated.

But really, all those fears are speculation, and I'm sure I'll be able to report by Wednesday that all went well. At any rate, it can't really be any worse than the last time....could it?


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