Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Rick did some really weird different things last night. I gave him the Depakote at 9:15 pm and we got in bed about 10:15 pm. I didn’t give him any melatonin at bedtime, just to see what the Depakote would do. He was up again at 1 pm at which time I gave him the melatonin, 2 tabs. Then at 2 am he hollered out – I’m not sure if it was a start or not. He didn’t wake up from his sleep. This happened again about 3:30 am. Then he woke up at 6:30. I took him to the bathroom and he was very halting in his walking, very jerky muscles. No starts as such but still seemed seizurish. I got him dressed and then we had breakfast at about 7 am. I got his Keppra and Depakote in right away. He had occasional starts from then until he got on the bus to go to the center.

This morning is his first morning dose of Depakote.


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