Friday, October 15, 2010

Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen In Me

Today was Dr. Pearce’s retirement party. It was so nice to see some of the patients we used to see when we were working there. Fran Stanford, Cindy English and Julie Hoggard were there. We also got to see Marie Powell and Ronnie and Cathy Powell. And of course, Dr Pearce and Mary Frances. It was a very nice party. It is rather bittersweet. It is the end of an era…like the break up of a family. We have been together for a good number of years. Rick started working with Dr Pearce in 1980. So we have been part of his family, so to speak, for 30 years. It will be hard not to be able to call and get his advice on Rick’s medical issues…not to have his expertise on alternative medicines…and not be able to have him lay hands on us and pray. We love you, Dr. Pearce, and pray God will bless you in this next period of your life.

We went to Davie County Hospital to see Charlotte Thompson. She had her first visit with Dr. Pearce the day after Rick started with him. She was in for her routine IV steroid pick up.

Then Randy and Cindy English stopped by our house to visit for a little while. It was so nice to catch up on their children, Patrick and Heather. Cindy has been such a good friend down through the years. They live in Roanoke very near to my dad. We will have to look them up the next time we go to Troutville.

Then Rick and I went to Target and then to the cafeteria to eat supper. We sat down and I got Rick’s food fixed for him. I asked him if it was good and he chuckled at me. That was his way of saying it was good. A little while later a man and his wife, who were eating in the booth near us, got up to leave. As he walked by me he stopped and said, “You look like you are so kind to him.” I smiled and said, “I try to be. It is by the grace of God.” He said, “I saw your little prayer.” (We said grace before we ate.) And I thought, that is what I want. I want the beauty of Jesus to be seen in me.

Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me
All his wonderful passion and purity
Oh thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.

Monday, October 04, 2010

A Word from God

Last night we had 3 ladies from church over for food, fellowship and Bible study. It was a wonderful time of sharing. When it was time for everyone to leave, we stood in a circle holding hands to pray. Rick was with us. One of the ladies was sharing how she was struggling with a project that she was doing. She told God that she wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to do it. We were just ready to pray when Rick started to talk. “Well…..just… your best!” We all stared at him for a little while and then realized that he had given her the answer from God. We praised God for his miraculous ways. Prayer was especially sweet. Thank you, God, for allowing glimpses into your Spirit inside of Rick.