Friday, March 30, 2012

Rick's Journal Entry 123003

I was looking at Rick's prayer journal and wanted to share his entry from Dec 30, 2003. This was 4 months after his initial diagnosis.

“Today is the day the Lord has made and I frequently like to say, ‘He made it with me in mind.’ I am so thankful and appreciate the Lord so much for all he has provided over several years of His blessings! I cannot escape the impact of family and friends. Though difficulties arise, we are not cast down and therefore I choose to take great delight in the Lord!

“Where would we be without Jesus?
He was born of a woman so we could be born of God…
He humbled Himself so we could be lifted up…
He became a servant so we could be made heris…with Him!
He suffered rejection so we could be His friends
He denied Himself so we could freely receive all things…
He gave Himself so He could bless us in every way!


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